Community Development

Over the past 9 years as part of our organization we have been able to help families with stoves, water filters, food, scholarship for children and medial assistance. We believe that sustainability and physical health are vitally important. With a stove years can be added to the life of a household, and water filters help decrease parasite intake significantly.

If you would like to join with us to provide these items to families please see ways that you can do so below.

1. Stove and water filter for one family

2. Stove for one family: A stove lasts for 8-10 years

3. Water filter for one family: A water filter needs to be replaced every 5 years.

4. Food baskets

To donate towards any of the projects listed you may go to our missions website Click Here  (select our names, and please specify what your donation will go towards.)

Least of These

We come alongside those who have basic needs that aren’t being met for various reasons. During Coivd we have seen a significant increase in these needs. If you would like to join with us in providing for the least of these please see ways that you can do so below.

1. Food baskets-$75.00 a month this includes oil, rice, beans, cereal, etc.

2. The least of these-$75.00 a month this includes basic needs for women

who have been widowed, abandoned, and are in stressful financial situations.

3. Medical emergencies $100.00 this includes doctor appointments, medication, vitamins, hospital emergencies, formula for malnourished children.

4. Bereavement support $500.00 this will help cover funeral expenses for families who experience unexpected deaths. As many families are ill prepared financially when this happens.


We believe that it is important for each child to have the opportunity to earn an education. Many of the parents we serve desire for their children to earn an education as some of them were unable to due to various situations. If you would like to join with us to help provide the necessities for children to attend school please see ways that you can do so below.

1. School supplies for one year. (books, notebooks, pens, pencils, rulers, calculators, erasers, bookbag)

2. School supplies and uniform for one child. (socks, shoes, uniform, and supplies)

3. Uniform for one child. (socks, shoes, uniform and supplies)

Building Project

The Lord has been so faithful in blessing us with the desires of our heart to continue serving families. We recently purchased this land beside our home. The vision we have is to build a space to host teams, meet with families, and have a feeding program for children.

To donate towards these projects listed you may go to our website Click Here (select our names, and please specify what your donation will go towards.)